Would that not be a reasonable assumption? So one would think that this all has already been worked out, and that an in the box solution (drum map from TD-20 to Superior) would be available? If not in the package itself, at least as an after market product.
Somebody must have sat down with Niz Z and mapped out all the articulations and created a drum map for him, that was used in all subsequent sessions. My reasoning behind this, is Toontrack must have used the best drum brain at their disposal (TD-20) at the time of Superior’s creation and the best Hi-Hat Controller available at the time (VH-12) to create at least the midi files Nir Z made. I mean one would think this subject would have been thoroughly thought out, with posted step by step instructions. I’ve read all there is on this subject in this Forum, and it’s only lead to more confusion and frustration. My goal is to successfully map and trigger Superior using a Roland TD-20 and VH-12 Hi-Hat inside my DAW of choice. Gentlemen I’m new to this Forum, and like everyone else I’m here searching for answers.